One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin. He lay on his armour-like back.
Brow lamination involves setting the brows in place using a 2 step solution, resulting in fuller, more defined brows that last up to 6 weeks. Helps with stubborn and unruly brow placement. Enhance your look further by adding an optional eyebrow tint for even more defined and polished results.
Our hybrid tint offers the benefits of both brow henna and brow tint! This 2 in 1 treatment provides a deeper and more defined brow that lasts up to 6 weeks. The tint color will be customized for each client and tints the hair as well as staining the skin. Wax and tweezing may be done as well as trimming of the brow hairs.
A two-step body polish and hydrating wrap, this body treatment leaves skin radiant and deeply nourished. Bright citrus notes of Lemon Verbena and gentle buffing grains are blended with Aloe Vera, Oat Protein and Shea Butter to soften the skin and ease the discomfort of dryness. Following the scrub, the body is drenched in a soothing and smoothing treatment to promote deep hydration. (80 Minutes)
Remineralize your skin while drawing out impurities. This detoxifying treatment starts with a vigorous exfoliation using volcanic Pumice and Coffee Arabica to stimulate circulation, followed by a warm wrap with mineral-rich Black Silt Clay and herbal extracts of Indian Sarsaparilla and Honey to help smooth and firm the skin. (80 Minutes)
The ultimate skin conditioning treatment for the body. This session begins with a hypnotic massage featuring a warm, mineral-rich Seaweed wrap infused with aromatic Japanese Ume Plum extracts to revitalize the skin and is followed by a detailed massage with our Sea Fennel Massage Wax to deeply seal in moisture for a silky, satin finish. (80 Minutes)
This refreshing body scrub hydrates and brightens dull skin. Micronized Walnut Shells exfoliate, while Mimosa and Bamboo extracts create lasting softness. Sparkling notes of Lemongrass combined with seductive floral aromas of Jasmine and Ylang Ylang stimulate the senses for total relaxation. (50 min)
Mineral-rich Sea Salts are blended with spicy Rosemary and Citrus Essential Oils to stimulate circulation and slough away dull, flaky skin. This invigorating scrub will soften the skin, leaving the surface smooth and polished.
Please note: This treatment is not recommended for sensitive skin. (50 min)
Give yourself the best exfoliation of your life with our Glow & Skin Dermaplane Facial. Safe for all skin types, dermaplaning removes dead skin and vellus hairs, leaving your skin radiant and smooth. This treatment helps prevent acne, decrease the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, assists in product absorption,and improves skin texture. Followed by a calming aloe mask, this is the perfect facial for monthly upkeep.
Our most luxurious and effective facial. This facial is designed specific to your skincare needs, including (but not limited to) improving acne, assisting with anti-aging, healing damaged and sensitive skin, targeting sun-spots and pigmentation, and transforming dull, dehydrated skin. Some of the techniques and tools that can be used during this treatment are enzyme peels, lymphatic drainage massage, qua sha massage, dermaplane exfoliation, corrective masks, extractions and high frequency treatment, and more.
After owning two successful salon locations they decided to move their passion to the small town of Gainesville
Stimulates the movement of
energy by applying pressure
Wraps are intended to tone and tighten skin while helping.
The bedding was hardly able to cover it and seemed ready to slide off any moment. His many legs, pitifully thin compared with the size of the rest of him, waved about helplessly as he looked. "What's happened to me.
A collection of textile samples lay spread out on the table - Samsa was a travelling salesman - and above it there hung a picture that he had recently cut out .